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About Us....

We are the Cyber Tigers from Escuela Superior Antolina Vélez from the Interamerican University of Aguadilla. Our Robot is 17½ inches wide by 17½ inches tall. It was designed to collect 3-5 stars at a time or a cube, and throw them across the fence using a one bar lift with a Claw System and can be lifted at the end of the match.


Team Mission and Vision


As a Team, we decide that our Team Mission and Team Vision are the following:


Vision – Use the VEX Robotics competition as a platform to develop Team work, Brainstorming, Decision Making, and Leadership skills. Also, with our hard work inspires other students to become part of the Robotics program in our school.


Mission – To improve our knowledge in mechanics, structural design, and programming areas to become the best Middle School Robotics team in Latin-American.


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